Picture of Martyn Raybould

Martyn Raybould

NEC Motorhome Show, what are the risks? Coronavirus FAQ NEC

NEC Motorhome Show, what are the risks? Coronavirus FAQ NEC. Visiting the NEC used to be one of the highlights of the caravanning calendar, whether to view new stock, buy innovative toys and gadgets, or just to meet and connect with friends from around the UK. Here is a piece from our friends at Motorhomescampervans.net

But! What are the risks of attending and how can you offset the risk?

Duty of care who is responsible?

NEC motorhome show what are the risks? Coronavirus FAQ NEC is what everyone wants to know. First and foremost, is it going to be safe to attend the show? Who carries the liability of looking after not just the visitors, who carries the duty of care to the staff? Especially those asked to be on manufacturers display stands? We took a look with the view that we were considering attending the show sadly we concluded it’s not worth the risk! How did we arrive at that conclusion? Simply on the experience of attending shows, you are directly exposed to people who want to look inside the motorhomes on display. Then the whole process is repeated over and over again? Sanitising every motorhome on display after everyone has been in them is just a non-starter.

Following the govenments guidelines

Are you as a visitor prepared to risk being infected sharing the same space with hundreds of people inside the display motorhomes? There is also another side to this, for dealers that is a duty of care under the employment act, to keep staff safe. So, how are they going to do that? Make them wear masks and prove every day/hour they take a test to make sure they do not have the virus what if on day two they have coronavirus how do you contact all you met on day one? Does that mean all who attended the show that came in through the main entrance! Many will have been on the same stands, now making that work is virtually impossible.

How to stay safe at a motorhome show – Attend and protect yourself-Don’t attend at all?

Following government guidelines is about as good as a chocolate teapot. Let’s face it that is what event management companies will tell you they don’t want to cancel their shows, do they? Ask yourself what are you going to see? Many manufacturers have little stock to show due to a lack of chassis and components so, why is the risk going to look at what may not be on display? The real question is more than a lack of stock they don’t want staff to get the virus and then become understaffed due to isolating and waiting to hopefully getting better.

Swift group not going to be at the show

Swift, Group are one of the largest leisure vehicle manufacturers, and they have confirmed it will not be attending this February’s NEC show. Whilst other manufacturers are saying they will still show we think that is not helping potential new or old customers stay safe. Swift believes their online promotions and using the dealer network is working well so they will not be attending. We bet all the Swift staff are relieved to not attend for many reasons not stated. Bailey says they await any Omicron updates, it is still their intention to attend the NEC Show in February. Others we think will be sitting on the fence. All we at Motorhomescampervans.net can say is if you go to the show then we hope you all stay safe.

Sell your leisure vehicle over the phone 01283 240237

Quality vehicles like Adria are welcome and receive high values

Remember you don’t have to go to a show to sell your leisure vehicle just contact we buy any motorcaravan on 01283 240237 they offer free valuations and collections with bank transfers. Looking for some advice then take a look at Engineer Aftercare for all sorts of help.  Need a new Auto-Sleeper or McLouis motorhome then check out Derby Motorhomes

Engineer Aftercare Says: The above piece brings into sharp view the risks of attending any large event in 2022, and it’s good advice. But, Covid is here to stay! It will never go away and will always be around for people to catch. What has to happen now (Regardless of your ‘Jab’ views), is to stay as safe as you can using all the usual. Allow safe distancing where possible and if not possible then hope that if the illness hits, you will get through it. Will we be attending? The answer is Yes! Because life has to resume and we have to move on, we love what we do here at Engineer Aftercare and even more damage to this industry will be terrible. So, SEE YOU THERE!

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