Martyn Raybould

Martyn Raybould

Driving and Towing in Germany?

If your driving your motorhome, campervan or towing in Germany this Summer, we thought we should add a note of caution on some recent changes in just two cities at the moment, but the practice is expected to expand to more cities in the months and years to come.

The Great Diesel Disaster

Following the catastrophic actions of several manufacturers, notably German ones and the misguided advice from both UK goverments, it is increasingly not particularly good advice to own a diesel powered car. Manufacturers like Mercedes and Volkswagon-Audi have as we now know, lied repeatedly about the miles per gallon (MPG) those vehicles will actually achieve.

In Germany, environment activists are taking local governments and city councils to court to enforce the 2010 emissions and particulates limits agreed, on that basis some city centres and some by-pass roads and motorways will be closed to diesel powered vehicles.

To watch and listen to the full piece and see which cities are affected, click on the video above

Speaking as one with a Mercedes 3.o litre diesel motorcar we are not overly affected in the UK, but for planning routes around Europe and particularly Germany, watching the video is a good idea.

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